Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the model is not given any labeled data and must find patterns and structure in the data on its own. This is in contrast to supervised learning, where the model is given labeled data and must use it to make predictions.

Clustering is a common unsupervised learning algorithm that groups similar data points together. For example, a clustering algorithm might group customers with similar purchasing habits together, even if the algorithm has no prior knowledge of which customers are similar.

Dimensionality reduction is another common unsupervised learning algorithm that reduces the number of features in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This can be useful in cases where the dataset has many features, making it difficult to process and analyze.

Both clustering and dimensionality reduction can be used as a pre-processing step for other machine learning tasks, such as supervised learning.


Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that groups similar data points together. It is a way of dividing a dataset into groups of similar observations, without any prior knowledge of the group assignments.

There are different types of clustering algorithms, such as k-means, hierarchical clustering, and density-based clustering. Each algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of algorithm depends on the nature of the data and the problem being solved.

  • K-means is a popular clustering algorithm that groups similar data points together by minimizing the sum of the squared distances between each data point and the centroid (mean) of its cluster. It requires the number of clusters to be specified in advance.
  • Hierarchical clustering builds a hierarchy of clusters, where each cluster is a sub-cluster of a larger cluster. It starts by considering each data point as a separate cluster, and then iteratively merges clusters that are similar.
  • Density-based clustering identifies clusters based on the density of data points in a particular area. It can find clusters of arbitrary shapes and is less sensitive to the initial configuration of the data.

Clustering is widely used in various fields such as image processing, bioinformatics, marketing, customer segmentation, and many more. The results of clustering can be used for further analysis, for example, to identify patterns in the data, or to inform the development of a supervised learning model.

Dimensionality reduction

Dimensionality reduction is a technique for reducing the number of features in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This can be useful in cases where the dataset has many features, making it difficult to process and analyze. The goal of dimensionality reduction is to find a smaller set of features that still contain most of the information present in the original dataset.

There are several techniques for dimensionality reduction, including:

  • Principal component analysis (PCA): This technique finds the directions of maximum variance in the data and projects the data onto a lower-dimensional subspace along these directions.
  • Linear discriminant analysis (LDA): This technique finds a linear combination of features that maximally separates different classes.
  • Autoencoder: This is a neural network that learns a compressed representation of the data through an encoder and a decoder. The encoder maps the input data to a lower-dimensional representation, and the decoder maps it back to the original space.
  • t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding): This is a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique that maps the data to a two or three-dimensional space for visualization purposes.
  • UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection): This is another non-linear dimensionality reduction technique that tries to preserve the global structure of the data and also can be used for visualization.

These techniques can be used as a pre-processing step for other machine learning tasks, such as supervised learning, or visualization of high-dimensional data. Dimensionality reduction can help to improve the performance of machine learning models and to make the data more interpretable.


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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk


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